While kids may not be ready to admit it, back to school is looming and right around the corner. If you’re a work-from-home parent with kids home for the summer, you’re more than willing to admit that the school year is less than a month away.
While normally “back to school” is reserved for children, it turns out that this time of year is important for every age. That’s because you’re never too old to continue learning, and it can help you live up to your true potential in everyday life. It’s time to hit the books without the pop quizzes! Check out these ways you can recognize back-to-school timing at any age.
Join a Book Club
Open your mind by joining a book club. Often, books are chosen that you might not read by your own but end up to be some of your favorites. In order to live a truly altruistic lifestyle, it’s important to open your mind to new experiences. Consider starting a book club at work, with your friends or even searching online for an existing book club in your area.
Learn a New Hobby
Learning doesn’t have to be all books and late-night study sessions. Instead, learning can involve hands-on education. Use this time as a reminder to pick up a hobby you’ve always wanted to try and devote some time to learn. For example, you could pick up an instrument, crochet, play a sport or whatever you’ve wanted to try! Who knows, maybe your dream is as big as getting certified to scuba dive or as small as doing a crossword puzzle every day. Do whatever feels right for you!
Use New Learnings for Good
You never know what others are going through until you listen to their stories. Talking with community members or reading up on important causes in the world is the perfect way to learn more and do good in the world. Open your eyes to a problem where you can help be the solution. Take the time to learn about your community and where you can lend a hand.
Ramp Up Philanthropy Efforts
Take this opportunity to learn more about organizations in your community or that interest you. Interview an executive director for an organization you’ve always wanted to get to know on a more personal level or ask volunteers why they like giving back to a certain cause. This can help you make more informed decisions in the future regarding how you spend your time and give back to your community.
Work on Self Improvement
Nobody is perfect and life is always a work in progress. Use “back to school” as a reminder that you can continue to learn, grow and improve. What does self improvement look like to you? This could be meditation, taking some alone time every day, exercising or even committing to giving back each week, both big or small. Small actions lead to big change, so use this as a reminder to get started.
How will you go “back to school” this year? Remember that learning is something that doesn’t need to end after your school days. Now is the perfect reminder that the world is big, and there is always more to learn and do in order to be the best version of ourselves.